Ania Designs

Love silk, lace, pretty things...even more, loving to use those in order to help fight injustice in the world. If only a tiny bit at a time. (Photo courtesy Benjamin Images)

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Time is something I was prompted to consider at a pretty early age. I am pretty sure I was 15, almost 16, sitting in geography of all classes. Mr. Perry was my teacher.

The first thing of the entire year he asked us was, "How do you spend your time? Like a currency? Is it worth something to you?" He went on to talk about how we need to be careful in spending our time. Prioritizing. It's funny how I didn't really think much of it, just did my thing, finished all of my homework on time, and hung out with friends and family. I didn't really think about how I was spending it.

However, now I think about it, and the man was brilliant. Practices that I work hard at now revolve much around that first 30 minutes of my geography class sophomore year. Blocking out my time, prioritizing my tasks, all of which I am not perfect at, but now understand the importance of.

I look at the year ahead, the dresses that I will be making, and the other work to be done when running a business, and I am glad to have had words of wisdom that came back at just the right time.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Pluggin' away

Just a little shout out to ProQ Solutions ( They're chipping away at my website right now, and it's rockin. It'll be up sometime this year, I say that only because they're waiting on me to get them all the content. For now, visit the pilot page to get a taste of what's to come!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Meet Katie

Meet Katie. This is my new model. The dress I am making is purely for portfolio reasosns. It is going to take some time, because let's face it, I'm still in the beginning phases of my company and funds are tight. Silk is mildly expensive. So keep checking back to see the progress as the dress slowly comes together.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Here, ruin your life.

It won't be hard for this information to crumble you, make you feel helpless and small, wonder why there is suffering, question joy, question God. Is God sovereign? (Read Habakkuk)

But it's worth it. It's not making a huge impact that matters.

It's about your heart and the little things you can do to help others in this world.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

She dresses herself with strength
and makes her arms strong.
She perceives that her merchandise is profitable.
Her lamp does not go out at night.
She puts her hands to the distaff,
and her hands hold the spindle.
She opens her hand to the poor
and reaches out her hands to the needy. - Proverbs 31:17-20

God has used this passage recently to light a fire in my heart, fuel some long lost dreams of mine. My dreams of making wedding gowns. But that's not all there is to it. Recently God gave me dreams of helping others. Because I don't exist for my own satisfaction, I have realized, I exist to help others, love others, to serve and give of myself and use the talents God has generously poured out on me.

So here she is: a woman in her 20s with a small company that makes couture wedding gowns and provides an unforgettable experience. All so that she can seek out God's heart - a higher calling to help those in need, to help bind up the broken hearted, provide for those in need, free the captives.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


About most things in life I can make a pretty solid and quick decision. However, when it comes to this blog, I am not sure how I want to focus it. I'm sure you'll start to see a little more business in here than just where my heart is at. Because without the business, I wouldn't be able to help people. So you'll get a little taste of both.