Ania Designs

Love silk, lace, pretty things...even more, loving to use those in order to help fight injustice in the world. If only a tiny bit at a time. (Photo courtesy Benjamin Images)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Ohh 2009

Well, it's February 20, 2009. We aren't even past a full 2 months in this year and it has been absolutely nuts. This little company is my baby. If you're self-employed, you know what I mean. My work hours span anywhere from 6am-3am, depending on the day. Constant streams of meetings at local coffee shops. Endless hours of behind-the-scenes structural work for the company. Dates with coffee and my sketch pad every morning. Countless meetings with an incredibly talented Couturiere. Sewing. Patterning. All of the above.

And 6 weeks into all of that, I find that things are not going the way I hoped. Of course, after a few days of reflection and prayer, I find that it is a wonderful turn of events. If you have even glanced at my posts over the last year, you'll know that even though I've thrown my heart and soul into this company, I have a passion beyond words for the afflicted and oppressed in this world. Specifically (but not limited to) Africa.

It looks like my dream of going to Africa is beginning to come true. Things are starting to come together, and I may actually be spending a couple of months in Burundi at the end of this year. I can't wait to start doing an update each month on what is going on in preparation for the trip, and then when it finally happens, updating you from there. I get chills thinking about it.

Now, this doesn't mean I'm abandoning all that I've put into this company. In fact, long term, I see this passion for Africa weaving quite harmoniously with my passion to make beautiful custom wedding gowns. But, until that starts to become more clear, I'll keep my giddy little ideas to myself. I have this silly habit of getting two steps ahead of myself, and this is too precious for me to do that.

In the mean time, we'll be making wedding gowns and accepting clients in 2009, but the latest wedding date we can probably accept is through mid-September at this point. Ask about an exception to the rule before canning your hopes, it may work out anyway. :)

As my year has already proven full of blessings, I hope that for you as well.

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