Ania Designs

Love silk, lace, pretty things...even more, loving to use those in order to help fight injustice in the world. If only a tiny bit at a time. (Photo courtesy Benjamin Images)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Family Photos for Change

Lately I have been coordinating a fund raiser for World Relief NEXT. Below are all of the details pertaining to the event. We still have plenty of sessions available, simply call me to book! 541.633.6435

We also wouldn't mind if you emailed, called, and pounded on the front doors of friends, neighbors, co-workers and family to share this awesome opportunity!


Session Dates and Times at Antioch Church Offices in the Old Mill:
- Saturday, March 21 - 8:30AM-6:00PM
- Sunday, March 22 - 1:00PM-6:00PM

Packages available:
- Family Portraits: $125
- Family Portraits and Child Photos: $200

All proceeds support the World Relief NEXT Project trip to the Great Lakes Region of Africa. Funds will cover costs for media development, project education, needs assessment, and on the ground expenses.

Learn more about World Relief NEXT. Sessions will be held with debit or credit card numbers; the fees are 100% tax deductible and non-refundable.

Friday, March 6, 2009

News or no

Well, I don't really have the shocking news I was expecting. We will leave it at that. For now, I am going to cruise through this crazy year and continue to allow you all to catch a glimpse through this blog. I'll continue marketing my company as much as a can with a full time summer job (girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do in this economy). I'll continue trying to figure out God's vision for Ania. And I'll be doing a ton of prep work for Africa. Because I am, in fact, going. (Yay! *jumps for joy*)

Here's a couple of things to keep in mind:

I'll be offering sewing classes in the very near future (6 week courses) in order to raise funds. If you don't have mad button sewing-on skills, then hit me up. It'll be a plus when you realize you can fix that shirt yourself, as well as helping fund a fab cause. I'll also be selling Cauzal Coffee, which the product in and of itself is a very good thing, but it will also help fund my trip. Read more at their site. :)

Thanks for staying tuned, friends! It'll be fun to continue sharing the adventure with you all through 2009.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

News to come

I haven't been neglecting my blog, I promise. However, I've been absolutely burdened with what exactly it is I am supposed to be doing. Having no idea how to communicate to you (my wonderful few readers) I have said as little as possible, waiting for discernment.

Let me give penning this current moment in my life a quick go: The life of somebody that loves God is not always predictable when it comes to what God asks of them. He (if you happen to believe in Him) asks things that often times do not make any lot of sense until a much later date. And even then, that understanding typically comes solely to the person of which God has asked that task.

Do you copy Ghost Rider? Sweet. Because that's exactly where I am at right now. I am sitting still and listening. And in the next 24 hours, I will be moving, whether in the same general direction as I was at the beginning of the year, or in a different direction that I had never imagined. It will be an interesting and shocking post, I am sure, when I begin to write it. Until then, friends, stand by.