Ania Designs

Love silk, lace, pretty things...even more, loving to use those in order to help fight injustice in the world. If only a tiny bit at a time. (Photo courtesy Benjamin Images)

Saturday, May 31, 2008


I saw a good friend's wedding gown for the first time the other day (she married her husband a while before I met this couple). I heard the story of the adventure just to go purchase the gown in NYC. It was hand-made by a woman who moved to NY from Italy and opened her own boutique. I could have held it and looked at it for hours. Not that it was so intricate it would take that long just to see every detail, but that I could have gazed at it, appreciated each seam, each hem, each finishing technique the woman used to create the gown.
More and more I'm loving hand-made garments (or accessories), of any kind, really. I love it when I see a friend who's made a new shirt, or created a great piece of jewelry. I'm not saying I've never appreciated these things, that couldn't possibly be the case. I just love the creativity and where the thought must have come from for that creation. I think as I get older, it's just a deeper appreciation for life itself.

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