Ania Designs

Love silk, lace, pretty things...even more, loving to use those in order to help fight injustice in the world. If only a tiny bit at a time. (Photo courtesy Benjamin Images)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Amazing Weekend

Yes, I'm going to post TWICE today. I can't help myself :)

Of course, first things first, I must tell you about my weekend. I had so much fun!! Once you get to know me, you'll begin to understand that I thrive on pressure and deadlines. All of my careers up to this point have reflected that. Ben Edwards called me about a week before the Tower had their big event last weekend, that much you know.

My insane story is this. The model I originally made this gown to fit wasn't able to do the shoot. So, I called a good friend Megan to stand in. My only problem, was that Megan was a bit too small for the dress. I'm talking two entire sizes too small. So Friday night before the show, I took the entire thing apart, cut it to size, and put it back together. I am thankful I got a nap that morning before the shoot!

It turned out fabulous.

We had a ton of fun. I also met some fun new friends at the show, Sara and Kerry from Mint Event Coordination and Design. They were super sweet, and they can really keep it together. And thanks to all of the amazing men modeling tuxes from Roberts on Wall Street! You saved my butt that morning. :)

So much fun, I'm totally looking forward to the next time I get to be in the same room as all of these amazing people. You rock!

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